這四句英文在文法上有什麼錯? 括住個部份, 請提供詳盡解釋和正確寫法

2007-06-25 7:56 am
We need an anti-racism law because some people in Hong Kong {discrimate south Asian people.}
A full week of torrential rain {resulted a flood that killed} hundreds of people.
I {suggested you to visit} Temple Street Night Market if you are looking for cheep goods.
The raging typhoon {prevented many airplanes to land} at Chek Lap Kok.

回答 (3)

2007-06-25 7:55 pm
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We need an anti-racism law because some people in Hong Kong {discrimate AGAINST south Asian people.}
discriminate係不同待遇咁解,所以唔同中文「歧視」,可以好可以差。「有優待」的話係 discriminate in favour of ,「歧視」係 discriminate against
A full week of torrential rain {resulted IN a flood that killed} hundreds of people.
「引致」係 result in
I {suggest you visit} Temple Street Night Market if you are looking for cheep goods.
複雜囉。suggest應用 present tense 之餘,呢句其實係一個叫 subjunctive o既 grammar structure,相當 formal,常用o既 verbs 如 ask,recommend,insist,suggest,用時連第三身單數都唔加 s,如:
I insist that he come here at once.
The raging typhoon {prevented many airplanes FROM landING} at Chek Lap Kok.
prevent 後必須要用 from 帶出避免o既事情,既然係事情,即係名詞,呢度就要用 gerund
2007-06-25 7:49 pm
3. I SUGGEST you to visit Temple Street Night Market if you are looking for CHEAP goods.

- The above is also wrong; take out TO in front of visit.

4. The raging typhoon prevented many airplanes to land at Chek Lap Kok.

- airplanes FROM LANDING at
2007-06-25 8:58 am

1. We need an anti-racism law because some people in Hong Kong discriminate AGAINST South Asian people.

discriminate AGAINST some people NOT discriminate people

2. A full week of torrential rain resulted IN a flood that killed hundreds of people.
result IN something NOT result something

3. I SUGGEST you to visit Temple Street Night Market if you are looking for CHEAP goods.

this is a PRESENT TENSE SENTENCE so use SUGGEST not SUGGESTED; also CHEAP is correct spelling not cheep

4. The raging typhoon prevented many airplanes to land at Chek Lap Kok.

the whole sentence is grammatically correct

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