
2007-06-25 6:42 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-25 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Generic Name : Sibutramine
Pronunciation : si-bee-tru-amine
TradeName : obirax, obestat, sibutrex, obego, sibutrim, slenfig
Why it is prescribed : Sibutramine Hcl monohydrate is an antiobese drug which acts by blocking the uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in central nervous system.
When it is to be taken : Take this medication orally as directed by physician.Start initially with 10 mgs once daily with or without food.If there is a inadequate weight lopss the dose may be titrated after 4 weeks to a total of 15mg once daily.The 5 mg dose should be reserved for patients who do not tolerate the 10mg dose.Doses above 15 mg daily is not recommenced.
How it should be taken : It comes as 5 aqnd 10 mg tablets.
Special Instruction :

Side Effects :
Dry mouth,anorexia,constipation,insomnia,dizziness.Abnormal liver function test with increase in AST,ALT,GGT,LDH and bilirubin is also noticed.
Other Precautions :
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.May be used in elderly patients.
Storage Conditions :
Store at room temperature in a tight container.
學名: Sibutramine (西布曲明)
商品牌子名: Reductil (諾美亭)
藥物製造商: Abbott
劑型: 膠囊
香港註册編號:HK-45883 (10毫克) HK-45885 (15毫克)
孕婦用藥分級: C
藥理: 西布曲明(Sibutramine)在體內具有抑制神經傳導物質去甲腎上腺素(Norepinephrine)及少量的血清素(Serotorin)的再吸收,因此這些神經傳導物質在腦部的濃度可提高,從而使服用者提早獲得飽肚感。
用途: 用於減肥(須配合控制熱量攝取)
用藥注意: 除了服藥外,適當的飲食和運動是非常重要的。 每星期應量度體重並記錄下來,以便跟醫生商量療程的進度,調較藥物劑量。 由於此藥可影響血壓及心跳,故在服藥期間宜定期作出檢查。
常見副作用: 頭痛、心悸、噁心、便秘、口乾、失眠等
其他副作用: 劑量增加可造成心跳加速及血壓上升
醫管局藥物分類: 自費藥物
藥物法例分類: P1S1S3(此藥為醫生處方藥物,須由藥劑師核實處方後配藥)
2007-06-26 7:50 pm
This is a dangerrous drug. Don't use it if it is not subscribed by your doctor. It kills.

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