
2007-06-25 6:08 am
唔好係d 翻譯綱到幫翻 因為d文法會錯 以上就係 :得兩句


回答 (5)

2007-06-25 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have learnt lots of things from her. Even I am so tiny, I try my best to help the people. Since there are so many people need help.

2007-06-24 22:41:35 補充:
I have learnt lots of things from her. Even I am so tiny, I try my best to help the people. Since there are so many people need help in the world.應該好啲 ^v^
2007-06-25 7:11 am
I have learned from her that even if we are not important persons, we should try our best to help others. It is because there are so many people in need in the world.
2007-06-25 6:18 am
no matter how insignificant we are, we should always gives each other a helping hand, because there is too many people needed aid in this world.

hope this is ok...

2007-06-24 22:18:58 補充:
and this is something that I had learned from her*
參考: me
2007-06-25 6:17 am

I have learn a lot of things on her, although I am very week, but I should try my best to help people, because there are too many people in the world need help.
2007-06-25 6:14 am
It is what I have learned from her: we should do/try our best to help others no matter how less we can do, it is because there are so many people who are waiting for helps.

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