
2007-06-25 6:00 am
依照上題,我又有另一個疑問:如果我部腦係英文,而佢ge日期係:6/21/2007咁ge模式,咁我set ge時候就出左問題,得唔到要ge結果!有咩辦法?救救我!pls~thx~

回答 (2)

2007-06-30 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First question,

Go to the cell of member date, use conditional formatting in format. Set the condition :
Cell value is less than $A1$ (assume A1 cell is the current date, formula is @now ( ) .

Format : change font to red color.

It will satisy you need.

Second question,

It is the date format issue, if you want to compliant with the same format, you have to change the format from Windows. Go to control panel > regional and language option > change the short date format to mm/dd/yy.

Bear in mind that it will change all date format in using all software.

Any problem, send me e-mail.

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