
2007-06-25 5:41 am
英 國 溫 切 斯 特 刑 事 法 庭 日 前 審 理 一 宗 畫 家 遭 童 黨 毆 打 致 死 案 件 , 揭 發 行 兇 的 兩 名 只 有 十 三 歲 和 十 五 歲 頑 劣 男 學 生 , 只 是 為 了 向 同 伴 炫 耀 示 範 「 快 樂 掌 摑 」 ( Happy Slap ) , 結 果 令 該 名 非 常 有 天 分 的 畫 家 身 亡 。 <東方日報>


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2007-06-25 5:48 am
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英惡少「開心掌摑貓」 (蘋果日報) 2006-09-01 原文

英國少男少女近年刮起「開心掌摑」(Happy Slapping)的玩意,隨街找不結識的對象,給他或她一巴掌、兩巴掌、三巴掌,一邊打又一邊有人用手機拍下片段,然後在友儕流傳。打人的大呼過癮,捱打的大叫好痛。但打人打得多,英國有惡少竟然玩起「開心掌摑貓」來,就是狠踢貓咪的臉,用手機拍下片段,傳送給友人看。



2007-06-25 5:49 am
這種被青少年稱為「開心掌摑(happy slapping)」的行為,通常是由一群年輕人帶著照相手機,突如其來的向路人掌摑,然後拍下攻擊時的畫面。

Happy slapping is a fad in which an unsuspecting victim is attacked while an accomplice records the assault (commonly with a camera phone or a smartphone). The name can refer to any type of violent assault, not just slapping, even rape and sexual assaults have been classified as "happy slapping" by the media.[citation needed] Within the United Kingdom, where the term is used most frequently,[citation needed] it is associated with the ned/chav sub-culture. Happy slapping filming attacks seem to be common in modern bullying, and not unique to happy slapping. The core defining feature of happy slapping is an effort by the attacker to make the assault seem like play, though some happy slappers have indulged in extreme violence.

Often those found performing such activities will say they were just "happy slapping", asserting their belief that no significant harm was caused to the victim (often contradicting the obvious) with the only result being humorous entertainment.


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