
2007-06-25 5:31 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-25 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I bought one a week ago, it worked ok. Radio sound and mp3 music etc are very good. Righ, tv picture depends on location. The picture reception in my flat is pretty clear. However, I am finding the manual not helpful at all, not detail enough to explain how to use the phone function, still trying to find out how to download songs to the phone/menory card. The manual is written in simplified Chinese, not easy for HK user to read?? I paid $1480 for the phone, guess it is reasonable price to pay for a TOY.

2007-06-26 12:07:00 補充:
Don't understand what u mean by '裝左放大鏡', the 3" screen is big enough for me. u try TV function at the shop before u buy....normal shop allow u to exchange goods within 7 days if u not happy??
2007-06-25 5:45 am
最緊要睇你想要咩功能, 外型唔錯,$11xx有交易都算抵玩. 不過冇3G, 而且電視收得唔太清, 雖然有得加天線, 但係仲未知效果如何. 同埋去舖頭試, 小心收得清o個幾間係裝左放大器既. 一般響街都唔太收到, 或者好花. 其他功能都ok.
參考: 朋友意見

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