
2007-06-25 2:43 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-26 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are several methods,

1. If the two tones are major/minor third apart, add a passing tone inbetween the two consecutive tones, that is, for instance, insert a mediant between a supertonic and a subdominant, (it may destroy musicality).

2. Try to let it go between phases (if available).

3. Use the oral breathing, ask your tutor to show you when you could, it is quite difficult, even more complicated than the double-stop.
When you sit down and play, at the moment you draw, your find your abdomen enlarged, and it must be avoided.
Hold(stop) your breathe, draw only by the movement of your oral cavity, not your lungs nor your abdomen, and store the air right inside your mouth.
During practices, you will find it impossible to trap the air, because it has the intention of escaping every single time you stop drawing.
This is the reason why you can draw so many times in a row.
[Practise without your harmonica at the very beginning, then try it out by playing the same tones, you must be careful with the escaped air, it may blow it aloud.]
This is actually an advanced technique, but from time to time you will pick it up.
P.S. It may be a little bit old fashioned, as I learnt about it when I was still a child, there may be some new methods.
參考: It is my first instrument.
2007-06-25 5:17 am
我自己都系學口琴架.....你可以系一D中間位輕輕張口離開口琴 好快地大口吸氣 咁你就可以有氣吹落去 ^^
參考: me
2007-06-25 3:23 am

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