點樣可以練好d 英文oral?

2007-06-24 11:54 pm

回答 (5)

2007-06-25 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I must say if you are in HK, it will be very difficult to make your Engslih oral better.

Firstly, as someone has suggested, watch more english TV shows, but there is more. You should watch something you like. Don't push it too hard. At the same time, have a pen and a piece of paper with you, mark down the words (the spelling more or less) that you don't know. If possible, record the TV shows and watch them again. Remember, if your listening ability improves, you oral will as well.

Secondly, don't be afraid to speak English. Usually, your English teacher will be the person who you want to practise with. However, if you have no one to talk to, then speak to yourself. I know it sounds crazy but it helps (at least for me).

Lastly, grab the chance to go to some English speaking countries. I am sure if you are studying, your school will organize this kind of trips. If not, help some of the tourists in HK and ask them if they want any help with their directions.

I really hope my experience will help.
參考: Myself
2007-06-25 2:00 am
一定一定要多練習!!! 例如平時多D同學,老師(最好係外籍人士)講英文,並叫佢地更正你發音ge錯處. 要放膽講! 同埋讀英文書時朗讀段文字, 唔識讀ge字要查字典(如果你有快易通等真人發聲ge字典, 最好將你自己ge讀音同字典裡ge讀音比較一下)或問英文好ge人(eg:老師) 又要多聽. 最好聽英文新聞, 因為新聞報道員ge英文發音同語調最正確. 睇其他英文電視節目都得, 但有時D人有唔同ge口音, 你要識得分. 其實你只要肯俾心機, 一英文oral一定有進步! 努力!
參考: me
2007-06-25 12:07 am



參考: 自己
2007-06-25 12:06 am
無架!係咁同人練 past paper啦!無人陪你練,自己同自己對話都得既!
參考: Me
2007-06-25 12:05 am
watch more english tv show, series, news...etc & practice more

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