
2007-06-24 11:51 pm
手術後可吃什麼湯水較快復完 or 特別要注意什麼
thank you very much

回答 (2)

2007-07-02 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-06-26 1:34 am
My hosptial have around 300 趺斷股骨手術 evey year and having encountered > 3000 such patients peronally as orthopaedic surgeon, I advise you there is no special 湯水 required,but rehabilitation regime and how well the surgery is performed is more important.
Last year, I have gave a presentation on hip fracture during the The First International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association. November 12-15, 2006 Beijing. I have exchange opinion and management for hip fracture to other expert in China and we share opinion that the surgery itself and 康復 treatment (rehabilitation) is more important. No expert during the meeting emphasize 湯水 even in China!

The same thing also applies to Hong Kong scenario, where we have > 4000 hip fracture patients per year. Those who have received adequate rehabilaiton (inpatient, or outpatient) appear to 較快復完 than those who have not received adequate rehabilitation.

Even it may not answer your question on what 湯水 but I still need to tell the public about the importance of rehabiltation after 股骨手術.

Best Wishes for the patients!
參考: Orthopaedic specialist.

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