關於financial planner 這個職業的詳細狀況

2007-06-24 11:06 pm
本人是23 , 中五畢業生,

最近in左個post , 係" financial planner",
邊個公司我無謂係呢度講啦 , 岩岩我打過黎話請我 ~
係interview 果時佢講d 工作福利 ,
(salary 不少於 10k, 5天 工作, 醫療福利, 差不多廿天年假 ),
我聽完覺得十分吸引 ...

但係有些問題困擾住我 ~ 我都唔知上唔上去同佢傾埋落去。

1) 呢 d 所謂salary , 會唔會係將來 training 既 allowance, 做唔到target或者係contract既期限時間內resign ,d 錢係咪要還呢 。

2) 自己本身性格較內向, 個人network 唔大, 如果真係唔想sell 朋友同家人,
係唔係真係好難做到個target呢? 我本身對呢一行無乜特別反感, 但係sell 朋友
或者家人, 總會令人討厭的感覺, (人地想聽自然會靜靜地聽我講解, 但係唔想買既
根本唔會理我,可能會選擇去避開我。) , 呢份工係咪唔適合我呢 ?

回答 (1)

2007-06-25 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) you need to go through the employment contract in details.

2) If you have this kind of feeling, frankly speaking, the job may be not suitable for you. If you really want to try, find another company that offers company lead regularly.

Also, as a financial planner, you should stay with a top objective is that you could assist people to figure out what they want/need, how to achieve it. So, no matters the prospect is your friends or family members, they would like to listen.

be confident and good luck

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