
2007-06-24 10:37 pm
我隻cocker今年6歲, 平時朝早食乾糧, 夜晚飲奶粉(狗狗奶粉), 因為如果夜晚都食乾糧, 第二朝佢就會食得好少嘢, 可能淨係食一, 兩粒...但係如果一日餵一餐佢又餓...所以夜晚我卑奶粉佢飲, 但係我聽人講成年狗唔洗飲奶, 對佢唔係咁好, 係咪真ga??點解呢??

OH..thanks!! actually the problem is he don't drink a lot if water only, but he love milk powder so much which can help him to drink more...so can i add sth into the water which is beneficial and attract for him?? besides that garlic is good for dog as u said, is it cooked or uncooked?

回答 (2)

2007-06-25 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please stop giving your dog 奶粉. Too much calcium is not good for adult dogs. They will have bone problem later in their life.

If you prefer to feed dry food, make sure you have plenty of water around as the salt contain in the food makes them thirsty all the time.

You can actually feed him at night only, it is not necessary to have two meals in a day. Or you can divide what you feed a day in two meals, therefore day & night.

You can mix some dry food with boiled chicken breast with some blend vegetables. (No onion) with 1-2 cloves of garlic. Garlic can keep fleas away from dogs and good for their health. Your dog will be as good as gold.

Hope it helps. Sorry, my Chinese are limited.

2007-06-29 12:41:07 補充:
Don't worry, your dog will get over the milk. Just start to convert it to drink water. They will learn to find water to drink. Of course if it can choose between water and milk, milk will win. .

2007-06-29 12:41:23 補充:
Sometimes we just make the dogs sick and kill them in kindness. You only put water around without anything else, he will drink it. No need to use something else.For garlic, uncook is the best. Fleas & parasites doesn't like it

2007-06-29 12:43:29 補充:
You just blend or fine chop 1 clove of garlic mix with his food. it will eat it.
2007-06-27 9:53 pm
喂!唔好再被你隻狗drink奶了~大狗已經無左吸收奶的物體,由於無左,好容易會有cancel ga!!!!我之前有個friend,佢日日餵佢隻大狗飲奶,不足一年,有左腸cancel...所以一定nono!
參考: me

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