
2007-06-24 7:10 pm
think of an interesting characters from a story book that you have read and imagine that one of the characters in the story has moved in next door to you . Then think about about what life is like with such a neighbour . Descibe an imaginary day spent with the new neighbour .

有咩好提意呀   幫幫忙

回答 (2)

2007-06-25 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I suppose maybe u can write that a devil has moved in next door to you.At first, you don't know he is a devil but u always heard some terrible sounds at midnight. In the morning , he looks like a normal person and is very friendly to you. You always want to ask him but stopped when he smiles. One day, you ask him bravely, however, he didn't tell you the truth and said it's because he always hold parties at home, feel sorry to disturb you.
2. a magician
3. 泰山
4. 加菲貓

hope can help u ~!!!
2007-06-24 7:18 pm
sorry ,i don't know and write!

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