my Dog changing his coat color!!!!!!(10 points)

2007-06-24 6:55 pm
My dog is a minature toy poodle, when I bought him, his coat was in dark black color like the ordinary ones but as he grew up now he is about 1 year old his coat is in grey color!! and it is getting whiter and whiter he now looks like he is have light grey color! why does his coat color change?You can answer in both chinese and english.

回答 (3)

2007-06-25 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你隻貴婦應該係灰色貴婦嚟架! BB狗啲毛係會深色啲架. 好似約瑟咁, 細個時係黑色加啡色, 大個就會變咗銀灰色加金色.

如果你想佢啲毛色keep得好啲, 可以買啲海藻粉俾佢食, 啲毛色會靚啲架, 不過最緊要係你錫佢啫, 乜嘢顏色, 根本唔重要, 你話係咪?
2007-07-04 8:55 pm
Most of the Poodle will change to lighter color when they grow up, it is normal. There's a Pet Beauty Salon in Ho Man Tin who can provide color treatment service ( not coloring )and it can make the color looks darker.
2007-06-25 6:56 am

2007-07-04 11:58:49 補充:

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