Xanga 播歌問題

2007-06-24 1:42 pm
Xanga 播歌問題


help me la~~

回答 (1)

2007-06-24 3:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Xanga Help

All FAQs » Music »

How do I put music on my Xanga site?

In order to play music on your site, you need to go through the following three step process.
1. First, find the music you want to play. Please note that the music file MUST be hosted on another website, otherwise you will not be able to play it on Xanga. (see Where can I find music to put on my Xanga site?)
2. Next, find a host for your music (see Where can I host music on the web?)
3. Finally, link to your song from your Xanga Site (see I have the URL of an MP3/MIDI/WAV file hosted on another site... how do I get it to play it on my Xanga site?)
Note: you can't currently host your music files using Xanga Premium. (See I'm a Premium member. Why won't Xanga let me upload music to its servers?)

Learn more about Music

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