
2007-06-24 8:38 am

回答 (2)

2007-07-01 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Find out the public ip address assigned by your ISP. For example; go to the admin set up page of your router to check the router status, you should able to see the public ip address of your router.

2. If you are using Windows XP Pro, you can try these steps.

XP includes a built-in FTP service component that lets FTP clients connect to the machine and read or write files; however, this service doesn't install by default. To install the FTP service, perform the following steps:

a. Start the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet (go to Start, Control Panel, then click Add/Remove Programs).
b. Select Add/Remove Windows Components.
c. Select Internet Information Services (IIS), then click Details.
d. Select the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service check box, then click OK.
e. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.

3. But there could be some limitation while using XP to run FTP. Ideally, you should use IIS (Internet Information Server) from Windows server like Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server. Or, using Linux.

4. Assume, you have done on server side and find out the public ip address of your router, then you have to configure port forwarding or port mapping on your router, you have to map port 21 of tcp and port 21 of udp to the local ip address of your computer. Then when there is incoming traffic from internet for ftp service, your router will forward the traffic to your computer. See the port forwarding or port mapping chapter of your router's owner manual.

5. When step 1 to 4 is done, you should annouce your public ip address to your user, if your public ip address then asking your user to use this URL to access to your ftp server

6. If you want to use domain name, you have to register a domain name for yourself first, then using the free DNS server service provided by "www.everydns.net" to point domain name to your computer. At www.everydns.net, you have to create an account and enter the public ip address of your router, of course; you might have to update your router ip address if it is changed.
2007-06-24 9:00 am

ftp伺服器 5一定係你部電腦開
(開FTP好似要用server機,否則D人好long time 先上到去你個FTP),

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