我個面有類固醇皮炎, 我現在查一種叫 "aqueous Cream " 的Cream , 可以嗎 ?

2007-06-24 8:02 am
我個面有類固醇皮炎, 我現在查一種叫 "aqueous Cream " 的Cream , 可以嗎 ?

有什麼特別好的藥呢 ?

干時要注意什麼呢, 請賜教 !

回答 (3)

2007-06-24 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Aqueoud cream is just a very mild cream which is use as an external skin cleansing agent and as an emollient for softening and smoothing skin. Therefore it is not strong enough for your skin problem.

If the general cream like 俄羅納英 or 無比膏, etc is not working, please really consider seeing doctor. Please see doctor and ask for the professional advise as they will know what specific problem you are. We cannot judge so easily. Especially your skin problem is on your face that you skin is your face is so delicate and tender, so don't put on any cream that you are not sure on it.
2007-06-25 3:10 am
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2007-06-24 6:01 pm
Aqueous cream其實只是一種潤膚膏,用以減低身體乾燥缺水的情況,其實即使沒有類固醇皮炎都可以用,我覺得此藥都幾好,因為我試過替一個皮膚乾燥至脫皮的人塗了3,4天,果然沒有再脫皮.當時,要維持水份絕不可只靠塗藥膏,還要多飲水.

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