
2007-06-24 7:07 am


回答 (8)

2007-06-24 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't just think of myself. You all are also part of my life.

Because when I am in time of challenge and difficulties, you are all there by my side
2007-06-25 2:07 am
I dont just think of myself. I always think about you as well. It is because you always fully support me when I am facing challenges and difficulties.

I hope that helps!
2007-06-25 2:06 am
“I am not was only thinking own, in my time also can have you.
Because in me facing time challenge and difficulty, you are always supporting me.」
參考: me
2007-06-24 9:32 am
I am thinking myself only, in my time will also have you.
Because in me facing time challenge and difficulty, you are always supporting me.
2007-06-24 7:34 am

因為有點兒怪﹐ 希望幫到你啦!
I am not on my own because you all are in my life. When I am in hardship, your support and encouragement means a lot to me.
我不是孤單的﹐ 因為我的生命包括了你們。當我面對困境時﹐ 你們的支持和鼓勵, 對我是很重要的。

參考: I live in the US
2007-06-24 7:25 am
I am not only think of myseif,I have you in my time.
Because when I get into trouble,you always support me.
參考: me
2007-06-24 7:13 am

I am a considerate person and I care about all people surrounding me, especially those who gave me support and encourangement when I was down and facing difficulities.
參考: i think and try jar............
2007-06-24 7:11 am
In English:
I am not only thought own, in my time also can have you. Because in me facing time challenge and difficulty, you always support me.

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