
2007-06-24 6:51 am
the movie has never been started filming.

回答 (6)

2007-06-24 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
從來冇發生,應用 present perfect tense,即 has/have + past participle。用得o岩。
如果有been加入has 同 started 之間,就係 passive voice,都用得o岩。但咁樣寫呢一句,十分累贅。其實呢句係唔駛用 passive 架!
The filming of the movie has never started.
正如 The match started at 9pm. 唔駛話係球證開始場比賽架!

2007-06-24 01:25:43 補充:
你寫得出呢句,相信你對 grammar 都有番咁上下認識,樓上求其改你一兩個字當答左,就好似d人做 proofreading 以為實有錯就亂咁估一樣。笑下算啦~
2007-06-24 9:00 pm
The non-occurrence of an action can take place at different time in the past, thus it is wrong to deem that the present perfect must be used because an action never occurred. The non-occurrence of an action can be presented in 3 ways:

(1) Using Present Perfect:
‘The filming of the movie has never started.’ - this is grammatically correct, but the use of present perfect would imply that there is a present result of the past non-occurrence.

(2) Using Past Perfect:
‘The filming of the movie had never started.’ - the use of past perfect would imply that the non-occurrence took place before a past time.

(3) Simple Past:
‘The filming of the movie never started.’ - the use of simple past would simply mean that the action took place in the past

Which one is correct? Well that depends on the context in which your sentence is used. One more thing, you might want to use the article ‘this’ instead of ‘the’ if the recipient of the sentence is unaware of which particular movie you are talking about.
2007-06-24 7:13 am
This movie has never been started filming.
參考: 自己
2007-06-24 7:03 am
The movie have never been start filming.

2007-06-23 23:05:28 補充:
The movie have never been start filming. / This movie have never been start filming都可以用呀
參考: 網址.
2007-06-24 6:58 am
2007-06-24 6:58 am
This movie never been starting filming.

你要講名這 齣 電影,所以要用 this , Started 係past tense, 應用starting較合

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