
2007-06-24 6:44 am
想入住 係 開恩斯及墨爾本的YHA...2人房(夫婦)
有冇人有入住經驗? ok 嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
YHA 我就未住過... 不過都可以俾D REFERENCE 你o既...

去Cairns 最好住city附近, 因為玩水的話就行過去搭艇, 如果去rain forest 果d join local tour 通常佢都會去酒店接你… 2年前, 我就住southern cross apartment, 佢就係o向Cairns city… 好似90蚊晚, 果時佢係o岩o岩新開, 好舒服又乾淨… 因為係studio, 所以有埋廚房… 朝早可以煮下早餐… 慳返d~

墨爾本有2間酒店都ok, 都係o向city入面… 一間叫Victoria Hotel, 一間係Uni Lodge, Victoria Hotel上年翻新… 唔知而家點, 不過係全city o既Hotel最平 (因為有次有個fd探我時, 我幫佢格過價…), 好似個economy room係要share toilet… Uni Lodge 就好似apartment 咁… 大約130蚊一晚…

我通常訂澳洲酒店都係去e個site 度, 因為平過Asiaroom

參考: im studying in melbourne
2007-06-28 12:36 am
sorry, i donno about YHA but i have this hotel

in melbourne, you can stay in Hotel Formule 1, it is very close Melb City, and this motel is very clean, tidy. And it is only 79 per roomin weekdays, 89 on weekends~

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