
2007-06-24 5:33 am
Please be infoormed that the following cheque(s) drawn was/were returned unpaid due to insufufficient funds.

Due to such repeated misconductive activities, we have no alternative but to notify you that your account will be closed at the closing business day of 6 November 2006. You are requested, therefore to make alternative arrangement for you current account and withdraw your balance before then.

回答 (2)

2007-06-24 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
現通知閣下,由於存款不足, 下列支票不能支付及已經退回受益人

由於閣下不斷重覆這種不當行為, 我們別無選擇, 現通知閣下, 你的支票戶口將於 6/11/2006 取消.
因此, 現懇請閣下在 6/11/2006 或以前提取支票戶口內的結餘
2007-06-24 5:43 am
佢係話通知你因為唔夠錢所以張支票嘅錢仲未俾, 所以彈返俾你
因為呢d多次傳遞錯誤嘅行動, 佢地惟有喺2006年11月6號停咗你個戶口, 所以請你喺2006年11月6號之前將你戶口入面d錢攞返晒出黎
參考: 自己

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