
2007-06-24 5:12 am
英文有無[問心無愧]這個概念, 如有, 是怎樣表達?

回答 (6)

2007-06-24 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

記得孔慶翔 (William Hung) 在一夜成名 (American Idol)的經典名句嗎﹖

I already gave my best 我已經揭盡所能,
I have no regrets at all.我問心無愧!

2007-06-25 00:14:49 補充:
Has a clear conscience 根本不解作問心無愧!
參考: Myself
2007-06-24 10:05 pm
Has a clear conscience
參考: mee
2007-06-24 7:12 am
In English:
Has a clear conscience
2007-06-24 6:03 am
I've got my heart in my hand and I'm sure that I've nothing done wrong.
2007-06-24 5:22 am
1.to have a clear conscience; to feel no qualms upon self-examination; to sleep the sleep of the just
2.with a clear conscience

(1)中的應該是在前面配subject (省略"to" )
(2)中的可以參考這句----He does everything with a clear conscience.
2007-06-24 5:16 am
I have no regret at all.

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