Is "far more easier" grammatically correct?

2007-06-24 5:02 am
I often see phrases like "far more easier". Is it grammatically correct?

回答 (4)

2007-06-24 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
形容詞如果得一或兩個音節(syllable)就加 -er / -est,如:
thin - thinner - thinnest
hungry - hungrier - hungriest
三個音節或以上就o係前面加 more / the most,如:
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
咁 easy 得兩個音節,自然係變 easier 啦,-er 其實已經有 more o既意思,所以唔會再加 more;far more 都一樣,因為 far 只係強調程度。點解你見到咁講?因為人會講/寫錯野,亦可能係真係唔識而錯囉。
正確應該係 far easier。
2007-06-24 5:31 am
no not grammatically correct

should be far much easier
2007-06-24 5:29 am
not grammatically correct, but often used even by native speakers.
2007-06-24 5:25 am
It is wrong.
參考: me

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