How can I stay in UK?

2007-06-24 4:09 am
I'm currently in London for visit. I would like to live here. How can I do it? I don't wanna study here. Juz wanna live here and work here. Is it possible to do so? And how? Don't tell me I should marry someone plz. THanks

回答 (2)

2007-06-24 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are a professional(accountant, UK pharmacist, Registered nurse), you can apply for work permit after you find a job. And the company is willing to sponsor you.

You are aware of your situation, you should not day dreaming.
2007-06-24 4:37 am
You can hide yourself somewhere in UK. You will be safe If you do not causing any trouble. But you have to suffer to work as an illegle employee. Earning lower wages and without any labour benefit .

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