English language ....
是不是用了[In my opinion]之後,就不可以再說[I think]??????
我希望可以再group discussion的時候用,但我不知是否有錯。
回答 (2)
In my opinion, it is a fair deal or
I think that it is a fair deal
I think is usually used in verbal expression
In my opinion is ofter used in written expression.
唔係唔可以(把口o係你度),但係架牀疊屋,意思重覆。In my opinion 已經係「我o既意見」,I think 又係「我認為」,太多餘。
如果我話 At the bottom of the page I have written my comment after the final line. 我只係重覆左頁底有個評語,我只要 At the bottom of the page / after the final line 其中一個,都講明左位置啦,唔好咁長氣。
2007-06-23 19:34:33 補充:
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