美國攻打伊拉克, 民主共和兩黨究竟如何自處?? 他們可以怎樣去利用這件事去加強自己在下一總統選舉的成功機會呢??

2007-06-24 3:17 am


國會 和 白宮 為主.

回答 (1)

2007-06-25 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
President Bush will not sign any war-spending bill that penalizes Iraq’s government for failing to make progresses. Condoleezza Rice said this is a fresh warning to Congress about challenging Bush’s decision.

Bush Is expected to veto a bill this week that would order U.S. troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq by October 1st. Lacking the votes to override a veto, the Democratic-led Congress is considering a revised plan to pay for the way while requiring Iraq to meet benchmarks for progress. Congress has not decided whether to punish Iraq for failing short.

What Bush is trying to do is to pretend he is an understanding guy who gives time to the Iraqis, and they should not be punished. But I think in another way.

I do not think the Iraqi government shall be punished because of insufficient progress, but I think, on the other hand, the U.S. troops have been sacrifice a lot already. The Democrats set a deadline is to force the Bush administration and the Iraqi government. They do not want any more time wasting and money wasting on the issues that should not be theirs in the very first step. I think the primary purpose of the way bill is to give the Bush administration and the Iraqi government a warning, and they are expected to receive a veto from Bush. The next step they may do is to publicize the importance of the war bill, since the public has gradually agreed upon the returning of U.S. military. Then they may re-propose the second war bill with or without the punishment of insufficient progress to the President. At that point, Bush cannot go against the reality and the wills of the people (even he likes to do that), because this issue has been delayed for a very long time.

Another smart decision that has been made was to adjourn Congress, so that Congress “vetoes” itself. We all know that Bush is going to veto, and the troops in Iraq will not have enough money to refresh the supply, and they may be in danger or some kinds of difficulties. In other words, it means Congress puts Bush in a very difficult position which he is the “bad guy.” As I said before, the Democrats may want to wait a little bit to let the public know the bill and the difficulties Bush “made” in Iraq. Then the people’s will is going to be strong, and I believe either one side has to take some actions.

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