
2007-06-24 1:36 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-24 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
學好佢要對之有興趣先可以真正做得到的啊, 如果你只是想考好一點, 那你做多些習題就得啦, 因為會考的物理還是很淺的, 同topic的題目變化有限, 就算是a level的物理亦差不多, 只是有好多topic, 有時候你記下每條新law點prove都可以使你明白整個課程是怎樣的, 這樣就好學得多啦, 化學都是這樣的,只是多一點背書.
先明了課本果幾條law,然後抄下來, 一張list咁 然後就做習題, 記得事事都要考慮到佢個能量和力, 之前抄下list就有用啦, 因為用來用去都是他們.
另外, 你要明白到物理是一些描述我地身邊的事, 那麼就是一般情況不變的法規. 若你都是學不好, 那就只好問你個先生, 或者出去補習啦!
2007-06-24 1:45 am
Please understand the detail of each topic, and show your interesting.
But remember, work hard is a necessary even you are very smart.
I found physics is a very difficult subject when I was form 4. But I tried to understand from basic to basic and ask for my classmates until I understand every idea and question. About a month later after promoted to form 4, I could answer almost every questions and understand all topic.
So, work hard, pay attention and think and ask more.
2007-06-24 1:42 am
參考: 我

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