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Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body that divide to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. Also known as somatic (from Greek Σωματικóς, of the body) stem cells, they can be found in children, as well as adults.
3 Types
3.1 Adipose derived adult stem cells 皮下脂肪組織 (抽脂個d)
3.2 Haematopoietic stem cells 骨髓的造血細胞
3.3 Mammary stem cells 乳房組織
3.4 Mesenchymal stem cells 骨髓, 肌肉的結締組織
3.5 Neural stem cells 大腦的底部
3.6 Olfactory adult stem cells 鼻黏膜
2007-06-23 16:39:13 補充:
比較之下, 使用成人幹細胞不會造成爭議. 如提取胚胎細胞會危害一個生命, 或者做這類實驗是不仁道的.而臍帶血的細胞量太少, 往往給一個病童也不夠用, 可況一些成年的病人. 不及成人身上抽取的幹細胞, 又多又容易, 例如抽脂肪組織入面既幹細胞, 捐贈者可以乘機減肥, 病人又有幹細胞移植來治病, 真係win-win雙贏!!