(20分!!!)我想問下什麼是ref number?

2007-06-23 7:21 pm
(20分!!!)我想問下什麼是ref number?

(20分!!!)我想問下什麼是ref number?
佢叫我俾返個ref number佢。

咁個ref number大約係點嫁?

回答 (4)

2007-06-23 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ref number 全名係 refrence number,
可解釋作檔案編號, 係方便以後要查返呢封信件,
查個號碼就得啦, 慳返好多時間, 亦方便整理,
道理亦差唔多, 即係話查返個號碼,
就可以查返個交易詳情 (e.g.入數時間,分行,方式,備注)
參考: 自己
2007-06-26 5:55 am
ref number=refrence number
2007-06-23 10:53 pm
I think the seller have many items under auction. He asked you to give 2 things.
1. The Auction Item Reference Number - for easy collate your bidding e.g. date of closing, the final winning price and the winner.
2. The Pay-in-Slip information say, the Bank Account No, Date of Payment and Amount for his easy collation with the bank transaction usually via internet. You can give these information to the seller via email. The reason maybe the seller have giving several bank accounts for winners as a convenience to pay in. He just want to get full and accurate information before he is going to send out the item to you by post after checking.
2007-06-23 7:37 pm
銀行入數纸上是有一堆不是A/c no. 的數字,應該就是ref. no. 了。你說明入數約日期及给他那堆數字就好了。


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