
2007-06-23 11:58 am
我玩Mount & Blade的The Last Days的mod,是關於魔戒的,裡面其中有Uruk和Uruk-hai兩個種族,據我看過的魔戒電影,我知道薩魯曼的強獸人就是Uruk-hai,那麼Uruk是甚麼?跟Uruk-hai有甚麼分別?

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 3:04 am
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The term

The name "Uruk-hai" has the element Uruk, which is a Black Speech word related to Orc, related to the (Valinórean) Quenya word Urko (Noldorin Quenya: Orko) of the same meaning.

這段指Uruk-hai的Uruk是Black Speech的Orc(半獸人)

Christopher Tolkien describes "Uruks" as an anglicization of "Uruk-hai" and his father used the two terms interchangeably many times. Some readers assume the two terms are different because in The Lord of the Rings 'Uruk-hai' is used primarily to describe Saruman's forces while 'Uruks' and 'Black Uruks of Mordor' are used primarily to describe Sauron's. However, there are examples of each term being used in reference to either group. While 'Uruk-hai' means simply 'Orc-folk' the term was reserved for the soldier orcs of Mordor and Isengard, with other breeds often being called 'snaga' ('slave') by them.

這段指Christopher Tolkien(Profressor Tolkien的幼子)會將Uruk-hai英語化(或英國化)成Uruks<<我都不是十分清楚這段的意思!?>>有些讀者會將Uruk-hai定義為薩魯曼的強獸人,Uruks就是魔多的半獸人

>>如果根據第一段所說的Uruk是Black Speech的Orc(半獸人),即Uruk就等同Orc

Hai is a collective plural. "The Uruk-hai" in some contexts is to "Uruk" as "Mankind" is to "man". But it can also mean all Uruks under consideration. "Saruman's Uruk-hai" means all Saruman's Uruks, "The Uruk-hai" in the description of a battle would mean all Uruks present on the battlefield. It is not used for ordinary plural, as in "several Uruks", and of course never in the singular.

這段指Hai 是一個集體複數,而薩魯曼的強獸人是半獸人與人類的混血種族(強獸人是專為戰鬥而培植出來,如攻打Helm's Deep的強獸人,有時他們會叫自己做"the fighting Uruk-hai")

"Hai" is also used in other words, e.g. the Olog-hai ("troll-folk"), the especially strong and vicious trolls capable of surviving sunlight that Sauron bred towards the end of the Third age.

總而言之,我認為你所說的Uruk,是指Orc半獸人,而Uruk-hai就是指薩魯曼的強獸人(如果你所玩的Mount & Blade的The Last Days真係以魔戒故事為藍本)

Uruk-hai>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruk-hai
Orc>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orc_%28Middle-earth%29
2007-06-23 5:42 pm
http://whisper.h2fri ends.com/tolkien/tol kien21.html + wikipedia + lotr movie script
undefined http://whisper.h2fri ends.com/jpg/twotowe r.jpg


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