去Burberry Factory Shop 定 Bicester Village 好?? (urgent!)

2007-06-23 11:40 am
next week 跟團去西歐, 唔知去 Bicester Village 好定Burberry Factory Shop 好.....只有一個下晝free in London, 我又想去下H & M and Marks & Spencer, 如果去Bicester Village 驚冇時間。但我又唔係特別鍾意burberry, 只係想o係outlet 執一d 平d o既靚衫/鞋......但H & M 瑪莎d o野幾o岩我。

另, 西歐/London 有冇Disney Store? HK d 執晒咁滯.... 同埋o係咪o係邊度買o野都有tax refund? 跟團有咩注意? 揹住個名牌側揹皮袋去會否唔安全(冇o岩o既袋...)??

回答 (2)

2007-06-23 12:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since you have one afternoon free only, I would not recommend Bicester Village or Burberry Factory Shop. Bicester is near Oxford, will take 2 hours round trip minimum. As it is so well known and so many tourists, it is not possible to pick up cheap shoes these days.

Burberry Shop is at East London. Also take 1 hour round trip from Central London. I have been to Burberry Factory Shop not long ago but things are not that cheap compare with old days.

London Disney Store is on Oxford Street:

You will be better off going to Disney Store + H&M + Marks and Spencer, all at Oxford Street. If you have spare time, you can also try Harrods at Knightsbridge to wrap up the afternoon.

Hope this helps.

2007-06-23 04:12:44 補充:
Re: Tax Refund, there is a minimum spent at each store. You should confirm the amount before paying for them. Also beware you won't get full 17.5% refund because there is admin charge and need to prepare extra time to queue up for tax refund at Heathrow.

2007-06-23 20:58:15 補充:
M&S in Oxford street: (Near Marble Arch) http://www2.marksandspencer.com/thecompany/our_stores/details.asp?store=77H&M is just opposite M&S. The nearest one tube station is Marble Arch on Central Line.

2007-06-23 20:58:51 補充:
Which Thistle Hotel/Holiday Inn Hotel are you planning to stay? There are a few of them in London. Oxford Street is in the middle of town. So extremely easy to take underground.
參考: Myself - Live in London.
2007-06-29 10:01 am
Absolutely Bicester Village. But from city to Bicester Village takes around 2 to 2 and a half hours and then also 2 to 2 and a half hour to go back to the city. But in Bicester Village you will just love it if you love shopping.
I went to both Burrberry Factory shop and Bicester Village and I am 100% for Bicester Village. I found Burberry Factory Shop very boring. And the clothes there were not as good and nice.
Just try as good as possible to go to Bicester Village if it is possible. It is really worth it. But if you really have too less time then just go to the Burberry Factory Shop. But it's really a pity...

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