英文文法 example 問 ( 改正和點解) ... 最好多 d 資料 please

2007-06-23 7:22 am
括號入面錯咩 ... 點解
最好比埋相閣既 grammar 資料 please

1) It is ( more cheaper ) to live in Tai Koo than to live in Causeway Bay.
2) It will make you ( more happy ) than playing basketball.
3) John ( likes ) Mary .
4) Many people ( are lack of ) independent learning skills.

3) John ( likes ) Mary in that they both grew up among wild animals. MISS 話混亂左 verb and the preposition 唔明.. 4) 4就混亂左 verb and noun to lack 再解下 唔該晒 !!

回答 (3)

2007-06-23 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) cheaper 已經有"平o的" 既意思,前面既 more 係多餘既
2) 更開心應該係用 happier
3) likes 應該無錯喎
4) 呢句都諗唔到有乜錯
參考: 我自己
2007-07-05 11:02 pm
3 is like
4 are lacking in / lack
2007-06-23 7:56 am
1. cheaper NO more in front because cheaper means " more cheap" already

only adjective with 3 consonnants use more in front
eg. more BeauTiFul,

2. happier is ok because HaPpy has 2 consonants

3. ok

4. Many people are lacking of independent skills

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