
2007-06-23 4:20 am
(1) 你都唔係成日打(電話)俾我, 我當然感到奇怪!!!
(2) 我以為你打錯電話
(3) 搵我做咩???
(4) 好無聊丫你~~
(5) 做咩咁好死打電話俾我????

請中譯英, IN ur own word PLZ~

回答 (3)

2007-06-23 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 你都唔係成日打(電話)俾我, 我當然感到奇怪!!!
You don't call me often, of course I feel suprise.

(2) 我以為你打錯電話
I thought you always call the wrong number.

(3) 搵我做咩???
Why are you calling me?

(4) 好無聊丫你~~
You are so silly/ boring.

(5) 做咩咁好死打電話俾我????
Why you want to call me this time?

2007-06-22 20:30:16 補充:
(5) 做咩咁好死打電話俾我????Why do you want to call me this time?

2007-06-22 20:30:51 補充:
(2) 我以為你打錯電話I thought you always called the wrong number.
參考: myself
2007-06-23 10:05 pm
1. You seldomly call me, of course I am surprised.

2. I thought you dialed the wrong number.

3. Why do you call me?

4. You nuts.

5. Good grieve! why do you call me all of a sudden?
2007-06-23 6:11 am
1. Sure I find it odd cos' you aren't calling me much.

2. I think you have the wrong number.

3. What's up?

4. You're so silly!!!

5. What the hell you call me for?

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