want to improve my english skill, by which methods?

2007-06-23 3:57 am
reading and listening which magazine or websites or songs? i want that types of readings and listening are near to my life which can be easily to acquire and get interest. moreover i demand that types of readings and lsitening are quite hard for me to read but not all articles are full of difficult words!Especially, i like to learn some english terms such as lose patience, thought for a minute.my standard is a f.7 person who gets E in use of english.i hope to write and speak as a naive speaker.

回答 (4)

2007-06-23 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. listening to some English song and try to write down the words that you listen
2. Read your English book aloud with feeling
3. Remember the ending sound
4. When you read words, you should use your teeth to bite your lip (細力 =.=) and then read because it will make it sounds better.
4. be 自信
5. try you best
參考: own
2007-07-02 12:22 am
I am setting up english classes for people like yourself and was wondering if you would be interested? I am a native speaker from the UK who has just moved to Hong Kong.

I understand the problems that you may face when learning and communicating in English and would be happy to design a program that is tailored to your needs. I am to make teaching fun to ensure you get the most out of your lessons with me.

If you would be interested in what we can offer, feel free to get in contact with us [email protected] (you can add me to your msn if you wish)

I look forward to hearing from you.
2007-06-29 4:25 am
I don't think watching to different English TV programmes is a great way to improve your English...
You can improve your Spoken English by having interaction with foreigners... Please remember that you have to pay attention to their intonation and also pronounciation...
Anyway.. American Accent is much easier to follow and you can manage to learn it quite easily... Also remember to pronounce the l at "spell", hell, fruitful etc... It would lead to good pronunciation...

For the writing part, you really have to read books and use SIMPLE SENTENCES... try to write a short one and make it longer... Then the accuracy would be higher... Use descriptive words and rhetorics (修辭)...
Then u can write well...
You are important
You are extremely important.
You are as important as the sun and the moon. (simile)明喻
You are my sun and my moon. (metaphor)暗喻

Hope I can help you
2007-06-23 3:14 pm
1) you have to speak more, such as your mum, dad and so on
2) you have to watch english news ( due to that is the right accent)
3) try to speak flow, like: iloveyousomuch
4) read more books to build up you knowledge of glassory
5) be confident.
6) try to organise a sentence in your mind before you say it.
7) have to be 高低音
8) try to follow the gramer rules in your writing

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