
2007-06-23 2:47 am
Northridge Laboratories is a family owned business, private label manufacturing tablets, powders, and two piece hard shell capsules. We have created the most cutting edge, unique, and sophisticated formulas found in over eighty countries world wide. We are most known for our award winning formulas as well as our maintaining the highest level of quality control. We employ five full time biochemists, three PHd's and two Masters.

回答 (4)

2007-06-23 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案

請看看原文 : -laboratories (實驗室,研究所), tables (藥片), powers (藥扮), biochemsits (生化學家),一睇就知係講緊藥廠及藥物! 你們居然可以譯成 "寫板和","粉和","套服硬的貝殼密封","業碑","火藥", "二片殼膠囊".......勁攪笑! 唔睇原文,只看你地翻譯完的中文,完全不通順又詞不達意! 我估你地連自己嗰關都過唔到.....

譯文 :
經營家族生意的Northridge研究所,專門生產藥片,藥扮及藥丸.我們的尖端,獨有及久經世故的制藥配方在超過八十個國家也能找到. 我們得獎的制藥配方及嚴格的品質檢定均十分有名. 而我們所聘請的五位全職生化學家, 當中三位俱備博士資歷, 兩位俱備碩士資歷.

生字 :
famiy owned business - 經營家族生意
tablet - 藥片
power - 藥扮
capsules - 藥丸
cutting edge - 尖端
unique - 獨有
sophisticate - 久經世故
formula - 原解公式, 規則, 但在這裹解制藥配方
highest level of quality control - 嚴格的品質檢定
full time - 全職
biochemists - 生化學家


2007-06-22 20:17:50 補充:
補充, 打少咗兩個字capsules - 膠囊藥丸
參考: 非翻譯網
2008-05-20 3:44 am
非常認同Keroro的意見, 翻譯絕不能盲目用網上的電腦翻譯, 而又不理原文的意思.
Keroro 翻譯得很好, 但sophisticated譯作(久經世故)似乎不太好, 人就可以久經世故, 但配方怎樣久經世故呢? 我想sophisticated formula譯作(複雜配方)會好一點.
2007-06-23 2:56 am
Northridge Laboratories家族擁有生意,私下稱號製造業碑,火藥,並且二片殼膠囊的一家庭。 我們已經建立最多剪報邊緣,獨特,並且複雜的公式在世界範圍內的超過80 個國家找到。 我們非常以我們的獎贏得公式和我們保持質量管理的最高的水準而聞名。 我們雇用5 名全職的生物化學家,3哲學博士和2 位碩士。
參考: own
2007-06-23 2:52 am
Northridge Laboratories is a family owned business, private label manufacturing tablets, powders, and two piece hard shell capsules. We have created the most cutting edge, unique, and sophisticated formulas found in over eighty countries world wide. We are most known for our award winning formulas as well as our maintaining the highest level of quality control. We employ five full time biochemists, three PHd's and two Masters.

諾思Ridge研究所,是家族經營的企業和,本公司品牌製造書寫板和,粉和,套服硬的貝殼密封。 我們前進,以獨特的狀態大部分作成,並且,根據高度的定式,明白了以80以上國家全世界的事。 我們,有關我們獲獎的定式最被知道,我們是維持質量控制的最高水準。 我們5人的完全的雇時間的生物化學者,3PHd的東西,和2Masters。

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