
2007-06-23 2:39 am
1)not前面可以用 was were did does do has have?

2)didn't did..唔係只可以用係問句咩?

回答 (2)

2007-06-24 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, they can all be used in front of the word "not."
was / were 通常是用於過去式的passive voice 的動詞,例如:
She was not killed by Tommy 她不是被tommy殺的。
The children were not punished by the principal. 那班小孩不是被校長懲罰的。

did 通常是用於過去式的active voice, for example:
I didn't sleep last night. 我昨晚沒有睡

does / do 通常是用於 active voice + present tense, for example:
Mary does not like Peter. 瑪莉不喜歡彼得
I do not like Mary. 我不喜歡瑪莉

has / have 通常是用於 present perfect tense. But they can be used in passive / active voice, for example:
She hasn't come yet. (active voice) 她還沒有來
They haven't come yet. (active voice) 他們還沒有來
She has not been punished. (passive voice) 她還沒有被罰
They have not been interrogated. (passive voice) 他們還沒有被盤問

2) "didn't, did" can be used to answer questions, for example:
Did you go to school yesterday?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
2007-06-23 2:50 am
1. yes

2. didn't did is wrong in grammar
didn't do is correct

can use it in question
eg he didn't do his homework?

ALSO can use in reply
eg. no, he didn't do his homework

AND just a simple sentence making a statement, about something happened in the past
eg. she didn't go to Japan yesterday

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