
2007-06-22 11:45 pm
Clift, like other blind people who struggle keeping their money straight, was excited about a recent federal judge's ruling ordering the U.S. Treasury Department to come up with ways for the blind to tell their paper money apart. She hates that Treasury officials decided to appeal the judge's ruling.
It can be inferred from paragraph two that _____.

A.Clift thinks blind people should be given credit cards B.it's dangerous for the blind to keep cash with them C.blind people should use coins instead of paper money D.the Treasury officials are not open to change

回答 (5)

2007-06-22 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
D. the Treasury officials are not open to change
A 話應該用 credit card,對失明人士仲煩,印單機仲要印到點字!B 話佢地帶錢o係身危險,文中冇講。C 話應該用大銀,但法庭都話要財政部搞搞d紙幣啦!
D 話財政部唔願改變,呢個就正正係佢地要上訴(appeal)o既原因。
2007-06-24 12:26 am
D.the Treasury officials are not open to change
2007-06-23 9:32 pm
D. The appeal from Treasury officials means they don't really like the idea.
2007-06-23 1:54 am
It can be inferred from paragraph two that B .
2007-06-22 11:51 pm
I think it is A buti am not sure it corrector not

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