✔ 最佳答案
hk 8.15am 去 bkk, 去到bkk 約10am (thailand 慢一個鐘), 但係基本上 check out and 等行理后都約 11am... 機埸去芭堤雅的巴士是沒有 11am, 你可以搭 12pm的巴士, 票价 $130 baht, 約2hrs車程........can drop-off and pick-up at pattaya hotel (要在買票時注明)
Bell travel servie co. ltd.
bangkok tel: 0-2747-4675-6
pattaya tel: 038-370-055-6
from airport to pattaya: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 14pm, 16pm, 18pm
from pattaya to airport: 6am, 9am, 11am, 13pm, 15pm, 17pm, 19pm
2007-06-24 18:26:38 補充:
如都來不及 12pm, 我不建議出 bkk 巿搭, 雖然bangkok chatuchat bus terminal 搭只是$117baht to pattaya (40mins一班車, 2hrs車程), 但airport 出 bkk巿搭巴士 ($150baht)要起碼一個半鐘, 去到巿中心又要轉 $100baht 的士去 bus terminal,.....而在機埸搭的士出bus terminal也要 45mins ($700baht)..............so 我建議等再下一班, or 索性在機埸搭的士去pattaya 約 $800baht..