
2007-06-22 6:48 am
唔該,,for 考試的..

回答 (2)

2007-06-22 7:05 am
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眾所周知 Tenses 是英語中最中之最的基本及重要原素。咱們亦十分清楚它的重要性,隨口也可以說出幾個 Tenses。
Present Tenses 系列

Present Simple (現在式)


Present Simple 是最簡單的時態,它的用途有三種:

1 用以表達一些重覆的動作或習慣(Repeated actions or habits):
E.g.1:We get up early every day.
E.g.2:She is sometimes late.


上述例子中的 Adverbs 都可以有很多選擇:
always, usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day/ week/ month/ year, once a week, twice a month, now and then, from time to time, once in a while, etc…

2 表示一種永恆不變的情況,事情(Situations which are permanent):
E.g.:Mr Chan speaks fluent English.
他能說流利的英語是一個不變的事實,不會昨天、今天、明天有分別的。(除非說他很久以前不懂英語,以前不流利啦。這就要視情況來判決用哪 Tenses 了)

3 表示真理(General Truth):
E.g.:The earth goes round the sun.
E.g.:The sun rises from the east.

注意:三身單數(He, She, It)要加"s",不要忘記啊。

以 Simple Present 為例,為什麼我們要用它來表達 "真理"、"不變的事" 呢?首先我們看看以上 Examples 的動作,情況(He speaks English well. Sun rises from the east),我們不難發現那些動作及情況都同時跨越 過去、現在、將來 三個時態(因為 "He speak English well",他昨天的英文程度好,今天如此,明天如此。 "Sun rises from the easy",太陽昨天,今天,明天都會由東方升起)。因此,用 過去式 不妥,用 現在進行式 不妥,將來式 不妥,根本任何其他時態都不妥。結果,就決定用 現在式 了。

但有一點須要澄清,現在式 雖然叫做 "現在式",但看看以上提及過的三個特性,其實根本及現在是無關的(是跨過去未來),只是名字叫做 "現在式" 罷了。如果要真正表達現在,就會是 Present Continuous。

明白它存在的意義後,我們來討論一個部分香港學生常懊惱的例子:假若我們想表達:"那件事我知道了哩!"這是中文文法。但如果企圖把它轉變成英語,有些人便會開始三心兩意,"知道了" 在中文中明顯是 過去式,轉換成英語,還應不應該用上 Past Tense 呢?用只拿不定主意,不用又很不習慣…(我以前的確為此疑惑過)你認為如何呢?…正確答案是:I know that already! 是 Simple Present,表達你 "知道"(之前講過)。再加上一個時間副詞來強調 "過去" 的意思,但副詞不能亂用,必須查查字典看其用法。但是運用語文不可一成不變,變的原因在於其想要表達的意思,如果有提供一個時間,如 "Last Sunday",這樣那句就要寫成 "I knew it last Sunday",它的意思同樣是 "知道",但給別人的感覺就已經不同了,第一句是強調 "我知道"(並且 Without exact time given),第二句就是強調時間 "Sunday" 喇。

2007-06-21 23:07:54 補充:
Present Continuous Tense (現在進行式)1. 表示一個與說話時同步進行的動作E.g.: Your father is working, don't disturb him.Notes:可以運用的副詞: Now, Still, At the moment, At present

2007-06-21 23:08:35 補充:
Present Perfect Tense & Present Perfect Continuous Tense的 共通點 及 各自的意義: 1. 當說及一些事件發生於以前,並繼續進行至現在,我們都可以使用 Present Perfect Tense 或 Present Perfect Continuous Tense,意思上是沒有多大的分別。不過我們普遍都會偏用 Present Perfect Tense。E.g.:I Have lived/have been living in this house for years/since 1992.

2007-06-21 23:09:09 補充:
Simple Past (過去式)Simple Past Tense 是表達一個過去及已經結束的動作,而這個動作必須給予一個清楚的時間。簡單而言,就是如果我們在知道時間的情況下,我們會用 Past Tense,相反如果不知道時間,我們會用 Present Perfect (continuous)Tense,或 Past Perfect (Continuous)Tense,視乎情況。

2007-06-21 23:10:28 補充:
Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式)當我們想表達一個比 Simple Past Tense 更早發生的動作時,就會用上 Past Perfect Tense 或 Past Perfect Continuous Tense,現在先說 Past Perfect Tense。

2007-06-21 23:10:53 補充:
Past Continuous Tense (過去進行式)它的用法與 Present Continuous Tense 相同,只是時態是過去式罷了。E.g.:I saw Miss Tam yesterday. She was waiting for a bus.

2007-06-21 23:11:09 補充:
Past Perfect Continuous Tense(過去完成進行式)Past Perfect Continuous Tense 表示一個動作比 Simple Past Tense 更早發生,持續至 Simple Past,有可能會繼續至 Present。它的用法與 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 相同,只是時態推前了個單位。E.g.:We had been waiting for half an hour when the bus finally arrived.

2007-06-21 23:11:36 補充:
Future Tense 系列Simple Future Tense (將來式)1. 講述未來的動作或情況。E.g.:I Think it will be fine tomorrow.E.g.:I shall not go to school.E.g.:We shall discuss it later.Note: 咱們可以在任何情況下用 will, 亦可以用 shall,不過 shall 只局限於 I 或 We 之後,其縮寫為 Shan't。
2007-06-22 6:54 am
以下係 6th grade 的tenses 重點

The simple past shows something that has happened in the past but does not continue now. ("She fell from the ladder." "He ate the strawberries.")
The past progressive shows action that moved through a specific period in the past. ("He was eating bananas when the elephants escaped." "We were walking to school at the time of the fire drill.")
The past perfect shows that something in the past happened before another past event. ("We had eaten most of the cake when Mom told us it was for the party." "I realized that I had forgotten my homework.")
The past perfect progressive shows that continuous action was going on at the time that a past action occurred. ("She had been waiting for hours when the bus finally arrived.")

The simple present is a present action or condition (He opens the door), a universal truth (Love hurts), or a habitual action (I go to work at 7:30). Sometimes it can be used for future action if the time is shown ("He leaves tomorrow.")
The progressive present shows continuing action ("The door is creaking." "She is sleeping.")
The present perfect usually shows something in the past which has just finished. ("The dog has barked." "The door has stopped creaking.").
The present perfect progressive emphasizes that action begun in the past is still going on. ("I have been telling you all along that you have to study for the exams.)

The simple future expresses action which has not occurred yet ("Oswald will win the election." "I will eat dinner tonight").
The future perfect, which is not often used, is used to show that something happens in the future before another occurrence in the future. ("The movie will have finished by the time we get there.")
The future progressive shows continuing action. ("He will be screaming with joy when he gets the present." "You will be learning Chinese in another few years.").
The future perfect progressive is rare. ("The farmers will have been reaping corn for years by the time the new tractors arrive.")

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