
2007-06-22 2:18 am
i also want cjhinese and english thx~~~~

回答 (2)

2007-06-23 6:46 pm
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蜘蛛人3 Spider-Man 3
《蜘蛛人3》由前兩集的山姆雷米執導,描述陶比麥奎爾演的蜘蛛人,面臨更大的敵人挑戰,也必須解決三角戀情的糾葛;在預告片中,出現了一個和蜘蛛人狀甚親密的關史戴希(Bryce Dallas Howard飾),同時瑪麗珍(克絲汀鄧斯特飾)似乎和哈利(詹姆斯法蘭科飾)走得很近,是否暗示著蜘蛛人和瑪麗珍的戀情最後將以悲劇收場呢?






Plot summary for
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Peter Parker has finally managed to piece together the once-broken parts of his life, maintaining a balance between his relationship with Mary-Jane and his responsibility as Spider-Man. But more challenges arise for our young hero. Peter's old friend Harry Obsourne has set out for revenge against Peter; taking up the mantle of his late father's persona as The New Goblin, and Peter must also capture Uncle Ben's real killer, Flint Marko, who has been transformed into his toughest foe yet, the Sandman. All hope seems lost when suddenly Peter's suit turns jet-black and greatly amplifies his powers. But it also begins to greatly amplify the much darker qualities of Peter's personality that he begins to lose himself to. Peter has to reach deep inside himself to free the compassionate hero he used to be if he is to ever conquer the darkness within and face not only his greatest enemies, but also...himself. Written by Dark-Spidey

Everything is lining up great for peter he has finally got the love of his life Mary Jane Watson to marry him. But one night when the strange meteor crash's it clangs on to peter bonding him with an alien symbiote suit. This changes peter once the symbiote is attached by to him he changes his life around.Once he finds out his uncle's real killer is still alive who's Flint Marko/sandman he seeks revenge as his ex best friend harry Osborn becomes the new goblin and peter deals with Eddie Brock. Once peter realizes that he is doing everything wrong he decides only one way you can make it right by getting rid of the alien symbiote suit by riping it off witch eventually leads to the birth of venom. peter now faces all the darkest demons as he also tries to win back Mary Jane Watson. Written by Anthony Nardelli
2007-06-22 2:24 am

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