急20分~My favourite Country~~~~

2007-06-22 1:04 am
My favourite Country~唔該幫我諗下一個special d ge country~~

唔洗成篇~~一d points就ok~~不過要特別d同多d~thz~

一定要describe下個country~~個country ge famous places,kinds of food can eat in the country~~thx

回答 (5)

2007-06-22 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
My favourite country is China so that I can explain my favourite city as Hong Kong.
I was born in Hong Kong where it is a familar place to me. I love the community in Hong Kong because my family, friends, relatives and classmates all are here.
Hong Kong is named as The Pearl of East. It is a great metropolis (大都會) with East & West culture crossover (交滙). Here, we have never heard of starvation (飢荒), fatal (致命的) earthquake (地震), flood (洪水), tornado (龍捲風) riots (暴動) and wars. Our life and property (財產) are ensured (確保). We enjoy various kinds of food from all over the world, for instance, Hong Kong style restaurant, Japanese food, Indian curry and hotel buffet. Also, we have freedom of speech & publishing. We have flourishing (興旺/繽紛) entertainment (娛樂) and life styles. We have comparatively (相對地) incorrupt (廉潔的) government as there is a I.C.A.C. section.
How can I not love Hong Kong? I am proud as a Chinese.
P.S. Is it pertinent (對題)? 所指國家,我有無離題? 但我真的很愛香港耶~

2007-06-21 17:36:24 補充:
OK! I hv admitted (承認) that it is not to the point.Another article belows:My favourite country is Austria (奧地利) where it is located at Europe.One of the famous cities is Vienna (維也納) while it is the capital city of Austria.

2007-06-21 17:40:16 補充:
Vienna is prominent (卓越的) with the achievement (成就) in music which is so-called as City of Music. The country is full of musical atmosphere (氣氛) with mood of fantasy (幻想曲).What a romantic country!

2007-06-21 17:49:28 補充:
Besides, the scenery (風景) is particularly (尤其) delightful (怡人) with splendid (壯麗的) mountains & lakes.People ' s life is simple & pure (民風純樸).To say, I can never find another place so tranquil (寧靜) with literature art (文藝) background.

2007-06-21 17:52:30 補充:
P.S. To source more references:1. Pls browse Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austria2. Pls browse Travel Guide:http://www.aboutaustria.org/
2007-06-22 1:20 am
挪威。面積 324220平方公里。人口約 452萬。首都在 奧斯陸 Oslo。
人少地方大, 政府有錢, 自然問題少。
挪威, 梗係食三文魚啦...
其他野, 你睇睇呢條link
2007-06-22 1:12 am
Italy.It's very beautiful.
2007-06-22 1:11 am
2007-06-22 1:07 am

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