
2007-06-22 12:36 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-22 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1=what is your favourite hobby?why?
2-what would you want to be when you grow up? why?
2-Should high school students be allowed to wear cosmetics to school? (argumentative)
4-Should tests and examinations be banned?
5-Hong Kong people only care about themselves. Do you agree? Why you agree and disagree?
6. After summer holiday, a new school year is coming. What are you going to to in the school's new academic year.
7.Hong Kong should follow the U.S to allow students to wear whatever they like to school. Do you agree?
8.Nowadays, there is an increasing number of mothers working outside home to support the family. Is it good or bad?
9.What is your ideal school like? (talk about what you expect the school to do for the students)
10.Going to Karoke (Ka-la-ok) is becoing for popular for young people. Is it good or bad.

11.What is the most memorable day or moments of life? (e.g. farewell to a relative who has gone overseas, getting an award in a competition)一件發人深省的事

12.All full-time students should have lunch at school. Do you agree?
13. Write a compostion about what you did in the Dargon Boat Festival?
14. Write about the worst dream you have ever had.
15. Do you want to study in another country? Why and why not.
16.Describe your favorite family member.
17.Do you think joing the fans club is good? Why.
18.What are you planning to do in this summer holiday?
19.Hong Kong children are getting too fat. Do you think the HK government should disallow children to get French Fries, ice-cream and Hamburger?
20.Write a letter to one friend of yours and tell him/her your school and family life lately.
21. Who is the most successful persson in Hong Kong? Why do you think he/she is successful.
22. Students should clean their classroom to learn more about responsibilities in the soceity. Do you think it is a good idea? Why and why not.
23. All primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong must change into full-time 全日制. Do you agree?Why?
2007-06-22 3:58 am
A big mistake
A XX day
An interesting thing
Don't tell lie
Healthy Diet
Hello!My name is...
I meet an ET!
If I were a XX(animal)
My family
My favourite subject
My friend
My pet
My school life
The blue sky
What is 'common’?
What should you do when there is a typhoon?
Write a letter to your friend
參考: Myself.Don’t copy!
2007-06-22 3:43 am
the english is becoming worse in HK,what should the goverent do?

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