
2007-06-22 12:08 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-22 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
全天候24小時學習,正所為Any Time Any Where, 好Free, 啱哂d好忙嘅香港人學習。其實我哋學咗英文都十幾年啦,唔識英文唔係excuse,不過係香港無實際英語環境練習,學到甚麼都無得發揮啦!不過我覺得englishtown 真係ok... Check Check 個網先啦 www.englishtown.com。最後自己有無心去堅持學先最重要!!
2007-06-26 6:19 am
British council could be a good one, you can get IELTS if you want to, british council is one of the exam centre for it.

Wall Street Insitution is another, my dad's studying in it, he said it's quite good but just a bit expensive. they have regular tests. and when you first go in, they have a test for you to see which level you are in and so put you into different classes (i think this is same as British council), and you could go to their centre 7days a week, which is quite good.

hope it helps.!
參考: i was studying in British council for about 2 years (2 summer holidays) and dad told me about wall street

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