院校 : 明愛聖若瑟專業及成人教育中心(夜校)
ACC2117 初級簿記
開課日期 : 2007/07/19 完課日期 : 2007/09/20
上課時間 : 逢星期四 下午 6:30-9:30
備註 : 課程全長共30小時,全期共10堂。 入學資格:中三程度
課程大綱 :
1. Double entry bookkeeping
2. Cash book
3. Day books relating to sales, purchases, and returns
4. Petty cash
5. Trial balance
6. Year end adjustments: accruals, prepayments, stock, depreciation, bad debts
7. Final accounts: trading and profit and loss accounts, balance sheet
8. Correction of errors; journal
9. Bank reconciliation statement
10. Income and expenditure account
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