1500cc or 2000cc 新車

2007-06-21 7:39 pm
本人想買架新車...choices有Nissan Tiida ( sedan or sporthatch)
Mazda 3 (sedan or sporthatch)
Kia Sportage
Hyundai Tucson...
以上所有都係我afford得起,又怕Kia啲零件易壞,Tiida D suspension又較軟,唔知邊隻好,give me some 意見, thx.

回答 (6)

2007-06-25 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear 忠實車迷
Please do not copy my answers, since this is not the first time. And you really like to use my answer as yours.
This ismy original answer: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006122602085

Anyway, i have to answer you, Same as my answer, I will chose an european car, but if i really need to make a choice, i will take the Mazda 3. Looks better and also 4X4 doesnt worth to drive in HK, but if you like it no reason to stop you.
My original answer
I can tell you that normally hatchback 五門, have a sportier suspension setting and sedan 四門 will have a crusier mode suspension setting, so that if you need to pass thru 爛地, hatchback is better! But one more point is for price closely match up cars, the suspension setting will not have much differences!
If you want me to pick one up for you i will say the nissan tiida hatchback, although i dont like nissan, but i have several points,
1, Nissan tiida is newer than the mazda 3, so the next generation will come for longer of time.
2, Nissan tiida is better on fuel consumption
3, Mazda looks cooler, but old people likes the other way
4, As you say, Tiida is cheaper!
5, Mazda 3 have mech. problems!
I will recommend European car, due to they are simply better than the Japs

2007-06-25 01:56:15 補充:
I actually worked in Hyundai, Tucson is not a bad choice, but i wouldnt choose it due to the turbodiesel model is the best, but sadly it is not allow in HK, So Mazda 3 hatch is the best buy. Alfa Romeo is another option, people will say Good taste thru their eyes.
參考: I m an automobile engineer not a famous car designer
2007-07-01 6:01 am
for 忠實車迷's action, just take it as "imitation is the best form of flattery"
but I don't agree with your statement "I will recommend European car, due to they are simply better than the Japs", and Alfa is overrated
2007-06-22 9:52 pm
韓國車就千奇唔好揀,Kia Sportage and Hyundai Tucson,out!
至於Nissan Tiida 同 Mazda 3:

I can tell you that normally hatchback 五門, have a sportier suspension setting and sedan 四門 will have a crusier mode suspension setting, so that if you need to pass thru 爛地, hatchback is better! But one more point is for price closely match up cars, the suspension setting will not have much differences!
If you want me to pick one up for you i will say the nissan tiida hatchback, although i dont like nissan, but i have several points,
1, Nissan tiida is newer than the mazda 3, so the next generation will come for longer of time.
2, Nissan tiida is better on fuel consumption
3, Mazda looks cooler, but old people likes the other way
4, As you say, Tiida is cheaper!
5, Mazda 3 have mech. problems!
I will recommend European car, due to they are simply better than the Japs
參考: I am a famous car designer
2007-06-21 8:59 pm
如唔計 resell 價值. Tucson 係最好撞 ka wor. 而且佢係同豐田一齊研究副"計"的. 應該比較耐用啦. Mazda 3 好似係香港回收過1次 / 係外國都試過 ka la wor. Kia 就唔使 lum la...... resell 唔店 / 架車都唔店喇!! Nissan 嘛, 老土左 D wor.
2007-06-21 7:55 pm
如果只係得以上既選擇, 我會買Mazda 3, 個外型好睇d, 2手市場都好賣d.
2007-06-21 7:43 pm
Mazda 3 is the best

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