
2007-06-21 7:07 pm
我聽人講話要 , 但我覺得唔合理 , 請幫忙

回答 (4)

2007-06-21 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無錯, 旅行社係會收手續費, 但之前消委會都講過, 商戶係無權把銀行charge轉嫁於消費者身上, 因此你可以連同單據向所屬銀行(即係收你charge果間)request佢退返你之前俾既charges.
2007-06-21 7:17 pm
almost every 旅行社碌卡係要比手續費gar .

actually the bank charge them therefore they will transfer the 手續費 to the customer ..but some specific tour they can offer you pay it divide 12 months . normally the price of this kind of tour is higher . and the trip is mainly for euro ...

you can think about it . if you rent money from bank , you need to pay interest even its high or low ( the rates is different at different bank ) . its also seem 合理 .

so you go to 旅行社到碌卡 , the bank pay the money for you first and then you can have around 60 days to pay back to them , few percentage charge i feel its reasonable ...
2007-06-21 7:12 pm
2007-06-21 7:12 pm
咁你可以向銀行投訴, 或者係同信用卡公司投拆, 因為商戶接受信用卡係唔可以將手續費轉嫁消費者既(雖然呢個情況響香港非常普遍).
參考: 自己

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