
2007-06-21 4:36 pm
0尼 排我多左睇投資問題!


我今年 16嵗幾(今年10月生日,90年出世)我想參與投資的一分子!(我知道18嵗先可以投資)

但係,TVB 0尼 排拍好多“回歸十年”多數都係講金融風暴!令我有D驚!




回答 (3)

2007-06-21 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry for answering your question by English.

Good to hear that you have a vision in sharing the responsibilities that your parent is having. But I believe they wish you to study further in stead of to earn money in this moment.

Back to your question, investment always ties to an objective. Different stages of life will have different objectives, ie marriage, down payment of home purchase, having a child, education fund, retirement fund, capital accumulation/appreciation...

Different investment objectives will have various time period for you to get ready, therefore, the risk you are able to take will be differed. Usually, a longer investment period will allow you to invest in some higher risk products if you are using the regular payment method. Another major factor is the amount you need to save and the amount you can save monthly. If the gap after taking the investment return is very big, then you may need to adjust your investment risk in order to get close to your plan.

Regarding the risk of investment, can tell you that all investments have risk. Even you place your money into a bank, you are taking the inflation risk (purchase power risk). Different kinds of investment have different risk. It really depends on your investment objective, time horizon, your risk taking attitude... to form a suitable investment.

Hope the above can be of help to you
2007-06-24 9:20 am
2007-06-23 2:23 am
投資定義是利用某些方法, 使財富增值, 就算是銀行儲蓄, 都是投資的一種, 因銀行是有比利息, 但如放在錢箱中, 財富不會增長, 只可當做儲蓄.

<回報與風險成正比>是一般常理, 如現在投資環境:
1) 銀行存款: 低風險或可能話冇風險, 現回報年息約2-3%, 零存整付約4-5%
2) 債券: 評級越高, 風險越低, 如美國債券約5%, 但垃圾債券可能有20-30%
3) 股票: 藍薵股如hsbc下跌後都有實力回升, 但相對上升空間有限 ; 反觀微形股大上大落.

其實投資是好事, 一可對抗通脹, 二可資產增值, 不過可能有些人以炒作投機的心態, 以致吥怕其他想投資的人士.

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