
2007-06-21 8:50 am

回答 (1)

2007-06-25 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案

It is so easy to see 要看見,是一件易如反掌的事情
Dysfunction between you and me 官能障礙存在着我和你之間
We must free up these tired souls 我們一定要讓疲憊不堪的靈魂獲得自由
Before the sadness kills us both 在悲傷取掉我們的性命之前

I tried and tried to let you know 我一次又一次嘗試讓你知道
I love you but I'm letting go 我愛你, 但我讓自己遠走離開
It may not last but I don't know這並非最終決定,但我不清楚
Just don't know 只是不知道

If you don't know 如果你不知道
Then you can't care 之後,你不能在乎它
And you show up你揭露真相
But you're not there 但你不在這兒
But I'm waiting不過, 我在等待着
And you want to 你想
Still afraid that I will desert you 仍然害怕我會遺棄你

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay距離,存在着我倆之間,讓我們難於相處
But nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe不過,沒有甚麼事物是永恆不朽的
It hurts but it may be the only way它傷害我們,但這方向,可能是唯一的解決方法

A bed that's warm with memories 一張牀,溫暖而充滿回憶
Can heal us temporarily 能夠暫時治癒傷痛
The misbehaving only makes只製造舉止失禮的行為
The ditch between us so damn deep存在於我們之間的代溝,是如此深邃

Built a wall around my heart在我的心扉內,建築一道圍牆
I'll never let it fall apart我不會讓它倒塌
But strangely I wish secretly但奇怪地,我背地裡卻希望
It would fall down while I'm asleep它會在我睡覺時倒塌下來

If you don't know如果你不知道
Then you can't care接着,你不能變得很在意
And you show up你揭露真相
But you're not there但你不在這兒
But I'm waiting但我等待着
And you want to你想
Still afraid that I will desert you,babe女孩,你仍然害怕我會離棄你

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay距離存在於我們之間,令我倆難於相處
But nothing lasts forever,but be honest babe但事物不會是永恆的,誠實一點吧,女孩
It hurts but it may be the only way它傷害我們,但這方向,可能是唯一解決方法
Tough we have not hit the ground我們未曾碰撞那堅韌牢固的地面
It doesn't mean we're not still falling,這並不代表,我們仍未墮落
Oh I want so bad to pick you up噢,我真壞,竟然想得到你
But you're still too reluctant to accept my help但你仍然不情願的接受我的幫助
What a shame, I hope you find somewhere to place the blame
But until then the fact remains直至事實繼續存在

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes you so hard to stay
距離存在於我們之間, 令我倆難於相處
Nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe沒有事情是永恆的,誠實一點吧,女孩
It hurts but it may be the only way它傷害我們,但可能是唯一解決事情的方法

接着,將Everyday (即highlight 了橙色字)那一段再重唱一次,便是完整的由中文歌詞了.
參考: 自己翻譯, with yahoo 字典

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