A question about slang

2007-06-21 4:13 am
Does anyone know the meaning of a slang: "Stop the Q-tip when there is resistance"?

回答 (4)

2007-06-21 5:09 am
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查一查先知,原來係 friends 裏面o既一句經典對白。根據呢個網頁 講:

Chandler 要搵一個裁縫,於是有以下對白:
JOEY: Why don't you go see Frankie? My family's been goin' to him forever. He did my first suit when I was 15. No wait, 16. No, 'scuse me, 15. All right, when was 1990?

CHANDLER: You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!

Joey 懵到咁,Chandler就同佢講:「你用棉花棒(Q-tip)挖耳挖到野就要停啦!」字面意思係驚 Joey 蠢到挖耳膜都唔識停,實則指 Joey 咁o既智商都係諗唔到架啦,冇謂諗壞腦啦。
2007-06-21 10:06 pm
Q-tip is a well-known brand of cotton tips in the States. The Americans very often make up some terms, by including well-known brands, to narrate. Just like what Ross said in another episode of "Friends" about how Rachel taught Ben many physical jokes. I don't remember the exact words but Ross said that his toilet had been "SARAN" wrapped.
2007-06-21 5:08 am
This slang was quoted in FRIENDS 劇集裡.
Q-tip = cotton-buds 棉花棒 for cleaning ear-wax

The meaning of this slang is 意思是你想不通就不要再想了,小心把你脑袋想破了.
2007-06-21 4:39 am
當有抵抗"(反抗)時,停止用棉(花)棒 〉〉

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