我想問Irène Jacob有咩戲好睇

2007-06-21 3:12 am
除左兩生花, 紅

回答 (4)

2007-06-25 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-06-24 2:14 am
除了紅, 還有 "雲上的日子" Beyond the Clouds, 由四個小故事組中, 她在其中一個扮演一個年輕女子, 決意奉獻給上帝
2007-06-22 7:41 am
you can go to the website


there you can check all her info eg age, awards, biography, tv, movies, etc

for movies yoou can have all info like story, year of production, other actors etc

then you can search for the movie in amazon, best buy.com etc

for imdb.com you can search all actors and actress you can think of (including hk's) and get good info

hope it helps
2007-06-21 5:02 am
The Secret Garden, Oliver Parker 既 Othello (仲有得睇埋 Laurence Fishburne)都好好睇

另外如果想要出名d既就 U.S. Marshals
即係 The Fugitive 既續集
不過 Irène Jacob 係呢套既出場時間唔算多
參考: Personal

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