2007-06-21 2:57 am
如果有中學程度既會計知識(中五), 應該報既試係未LEVEL 2?
可以講LEVEL 1同LEVEL 2考既內容嗎?
LEVEL 1張證書有冇用的?
LEVEL 2張證書有咩用的?
希望有人回答, 不懂全部回答都請你回答

回答 (2)

2007-06-22 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
讀完中五,可以報LEVEL 2

The Accounting Equation and the basis of double –entry book-keeping
Recording transactions through double-entry
Balancing accounts
Purchases/Sales/Retu rns
The Ledger:its sub-division
Day Books
Bank facilities/methods of payment or receipt of money
Cash Book and cash discount
Bank reconciliation
Petty Cash Book and the Imprest System
Trial Balance
Adjusting for accruals and prepayments
Depreciation of fixed assets
Bad debts and provision for doubtful debts
The Journal
Capital and revenue expenditure
Errors in the accounts
Effect of profit(or loss) and drawings upon capital
Trading and Profit and loss Accounts
The Balance Sheet
Club and society accounts
LCCI Level 2
Ledgers and Final Accounts
Depreciation /Disposal of fixed assets
Bad Debts / Bad Debts Recovered
Provision for bad debts / Stock Valuation
Manufacturing Account / Non-trading Organisation
Control Accounts
Bills of Exchange / Consignment Accounts
Incomplete Records
Correction of errors & Suspense Accounts
Branch Accounts
Accounting Ratios
-Capital Accounts & Current Accounts
-Preparation of Final Accounts
-Admission and Retirement of Partners
-Goodwill / Revaluation / Dissolution
Limited Liability Companies
-Issue of Shares and Debentures
-Preparation of Final Accounts / Published Accounts


買佢D 書來看
Hong Kong
How to Pass Text Books Extended Syllabuses Past Year Questions and Model Answers LCCI Hong Kong
Unit 1105, 11/F Emperor Group Center
288 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong SAR
Tel: +852 3102 0100
Fax: +852 3102 0111
Email: [email protected]
還有,LCCI 11月的試,現在要報名

Series 4 2007 Examinations > Private Candidate Entry Form Model Answers Order List
LCCI LEVEL 1那張冇咁有用

LEVEL 2張證書有咩用的?
都係做文員,不過人工可能好D,見工比LEVEL 1好
2007-06-21 3:43 am
如有中五程度,可嘗試報 Level 2,你可做數年 past paper,看看還有甚麼不足。
到於工作方面,通常要Level 2 起,就算持有 Level 1 找到工作,始終也要考埋 Level 2 ,甚至 Level 3 比較穩當。
參考: 自己都有 Level 3

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